After numerous attempts at other stitch patterns, I finally gave up and settled for a simple drop stitch scarf to show off the Noro Lotus.
Because I was knitting with 2 skeins of yarn, one with a rather abrupt color change (there was a knot about a third of the way into the skein), I decided to alternate knitting every two rows from each skein, carrying the wan on up as I knit along - The result was slightly broken color transitions, but beautiful none the less.
Yarn: Noro Lotus, 2 skeins
Needles: US13
Pattern: None, but I'll write it out below if anyone else wants to knit one :D
Finished Size: 7" x approximately 4-inches.
Loosely cast-on 10 stitches with one skein of yarn.
Knit 1 row
Attach the 2nd skein of yarn, and knit 2 rows.
(Row 1) Switch yarn, picking up the new yarn towards the back of your work. K1, *YO, K1*.
(Row 2) Knit all "main" stitches, dropping all yarn overs.
(Rows 3 & 4) Switch yarn, Knit 2 rows.
(Rows 5 & 6) Switch yarn, Knit 2 rows.
(Row 7) Switch yarn, K1, *YO twice, K1*
(Row 8) Knit all "main" stitches, dropping all yarn overs.
(Rows 9 & 10) Switch yarn, Knit 2 rows.
(Rows 11& 12) Switch yarn, Knit 2 rows.
Repeat these 12 rows for as long as you want or until you are close to running out of yarn.
If you have a thing for symmetry, you'll want to end your scarf with the following sequence:
(Row 1) Switch yarn, picking up the new yarn towards the back of your work. K1, *YO, K1*.
(Row 2) Knit all "main" stitches, dropping all yarn overs.
(Rows 3 & 4) Switch yarn, Knit 2 rows.
(Row 5) Switch yarn, Knit 1 row
Bind off all stitches loosely.

I must have lucked out because after I bound off, this was all the yarn I had left! It came out perfectly though because I was wanting to make the most out of those two skeins, and I don't think I could have asked for a closer margin.
Looking for a close-up of the scarf?
I'm happy to oblige :D
Cat paws included for scale ;) (actually, my cat refused to let me get a photo of the scarf on the floor without being in the photo - she's like that with knits...if they are on the couch, they're fine - if they are on the floor, they are apparently hers.)